I am deeply sad that I am crippled by this illness.
Interviews (English)
The European ban will encourage the hard-line nationalist elements aligned to Rajapaksa Government to adopt a hard-line position on the Tamil question and embolden them to seek the military option to crush the LTTE
In the LTTE’s view the European proscription will have a negative impact on the legitimate political struggle of an oppressed people.
The LTTE and the TNA jointly urged the Tamil people to boycott the Presidential elections as a collective protest by the Tamil nation, expressing disillusionment over the failure of the Sri Lankan political system to resolve the ethnic issue
The government is refusing to grant permission for the LTTE commanders to carry personal weapons intended for their safety.
The EU intervention will thus emerge as a serious impediment to reaching a just and lasting solution to Sri Lanka’s conflict
I gravely doubt that the LTTE leadership will bow down to pressure and humiliation. As such this move will be counter-productive.
The Geneva peace talks will face grave danger if the Sri Lanka government refuses to disarm Tamil paramilitary organisations
The Rajapakse administration is turning a blind eye when Tamil paramilitaries – the Karuna group – launch attacks on our sentry posts with the active involvement of the Sri Lankan armed forces.
This bizarre interpretation given by the President’s counsel, Mr H.L. De Silva is ridiculous and preposterous and totally unacceptable to the LTTE
The LTTE was totally against any amendments or revision of the original Ceasefire Agreement.
Assumptions cannot be a direct argument to accuse somebody unless you can prove
In front of me Pirapaharan told Erik Solheim that the LTTE will only participate in the peace negotiations to fully and effectively implement the clauses and terms of the ceasefire document.
The Tamil people feel that still the government is operating on the basis of their historical animosity – racial animosity – and that they have not gone beyond the politics of discrimination
We have mobilised the entire military and naval units; our social economic organisations like TRO and all these things and we are involved in a massive rehabilitation effort which many people have seen.
Talks should be on an equal basis
But we want first of all to have this interim administrative structure established and the serious socio economic problems – resettlement, rehabilitation, reconstruction and resettlement – must be addressed though this interim structure.
Karuna is committing a grave act of injustice to his own people, an act of betrayal that history will never forgive
Karuna’s rebellion is a temporary aberration, which will pass away in time.
If the Government is prepared to take any positive action, then of course, we will make a favorable decision
But the government is giving primacy to the security concerns of the armed forces rather than giving importance to the humanitarian aspects of this problem.
I can only say that we are in favour of an open market economy based on liberal democratic values
I sincerely hope that the Americans will appreciate and understand the aspirations as well as apprehensions of a people who have faced genocidal oppression from State terrorism and violence.
A referendum is impractical in the Tamil areas
It is meaningless to ask the people for an opinion at this stage when sufficient progress has not been made on core political issues.
The contiguous Tamil territorial unit is a fundamental aspect of any federal solution
A federal constitution must be authentic with clear-cut federal features.
Boycotting of the Japan peace talks could result in bringing undesirable consequences
The displaced should enjoy the peace dividends. People will lose confidence on the peace process if they fail to enjoy its benefits.
We have defined the north east as a historical habitation of the Tamil speaking people, that is Tamils and Muslims
Mr. Hakeem, when he comes, not only represents the government but also Muslim matters.
Disarming or decommissions of either heavy or light weapons is non-negotiable
Interviewed by Tamilnet Published on 03 January 2003 We are deeply disappointed over Lt. Gen. Balagalle's placing of this condition before civilians...
We will be particularly looking at federal and confederal models
We have to study those aspects and we have to spend quite a lot of time in exploring these aspects and making visits to different countries and consulting and interacting with scholars and we working on the core issues.
We have to think of arranging a security system for the Tamil people in a federal system or regional autonomy. Therefore, this military force will be there to protect life and interest of our people
There is a practice where national liberation movements have been converted to national guards in the interest of the community they were fighting for.
Sinhalese state oppression is not constituted with isolated acts of discrimination and injustice based on prejudice, but rather a devious, calculated scheme aimed at the destruction of the basic foundations of the Tamil nation
In so far as the hard-line nationalists are concerned there is no ethnic problem. For them the Tamil political struggle is nothing other than a phenomenon of terrorism which has to be crushed by military means.
The Norwegians, can continue to involve themselves in the negotiating process to prevent misunderstanding between the protagonists and to help to promote the forward movement of the dialogue without imposing ‘judgemental decisions’ on the parties
If Sri Lanka wants to engage the Tigers in a serious and constructive dialogue to arrive at a political solution, it is essential that the LTTE should be given the legal political status as the authentic representative of our people.
Britain as well as other European nations have a moral and historical responsibility to ensure that the Tamils get justice
The right to secede and form an independent State, in our view, should be the remedy as the last resort when autonomy and self-government have been denied to a people and when gross human rights violations and State repression assume the character of genocide.
We need India…
The Indo-Sri Lanka accord had several positive features. It recognised the north and east as Tamil homeland by declaring they were areas of historical habitation. It temporarily merged the north and east.
As long as constitution makers are constrained from instituting radical structural reforms in the polity enacting new constitutions has little or no meaning
Chandrika may want to throw a few rotten bones in the form of an Interim Administration to those power hungry Tamil mercenaries in her alliance. Yet those who seek after powers and privileges from an oppressive regime at the cost of the immense suffering of our people should realise that history will not forgive their treachery.
We have even suggested that a federal form of autonomy is acceptable to us
But if Colombo decides to stop the war and settles for a negotiated settlement, we are prepared to accept it.
China is giving arms to Sri Lanka in order to contain India
Politically, we are for negotiations. But Sri Lanka has put stumbling blocks like asking for Pirabhakaran’s presence at the talks.